Monday, May 2, 2011

2004 Travel Trailer: Get Ready For A Great Adventure!

coachmenTravel trailers are a thing of beauty. You can literally pick up your life, and travel from state to state, sightseeing as you move along the great nation. You will be amazed by all the beautiful sights and sounds that you see across this country. You just gotta make sure you have all the right gear to head out–we can help you out with that. Up for auction today is one 2004 Coachmen Catalina travel trailer. This item looks to be in great condition, but the actual condition is unknown. Either way, you are going to be getting a fantastic deal here, and you will be able to hit the road in no time. Your friends will be dying to come along for a cross-country trip. This is for an online auction that is ending in under an hour! Click here to check it out.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized